Historic Day: Black Farmers Hearing in U.S. District Court
After a court hearing today, John W. Boyd, Jr., founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association and the team that has supported the organization's efforts on behalf of the nation's black farmers, will be one major step closer to achieving justice for the thousands of late filers who were discriminated against by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, never had their cases heard on the merits, and have won a new settlement and passage of $1.15 billion in funding for payments passed through Congress and signed into law by President Obama on December 8, 2010 at the White House.

NBFA Statement on House Passage of Black Farmers Settlement Funds
John W. Boyd, Jr., founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, released the following statement today after the U.S. House of Representatives approved funding - as part of a larger - for the historic settlement to resolve decades of discrimination against black farmers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

House Judiciary Committee to Hold Historic Black Farmers Mark Up on HR 3073
We have waited a long time for Justice, I commend Chairman John Conyers Bobby Scott Maxine Waters Sheila Jackson Lee, Sub Committee Chairman Nadler and the Judiciary Committee for moving one step closer to justice for America’s black farmers said John Boyd President of the National Black Farmers Association (NBFA).

NCRC Supports the National Black Farmers Rights to Economic Justice
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) actively supports Black Farmers’ rights to economic justice and joins the NAACP in calling for a halt on discriminatory practices towards black farmers.

Congressman Artur Davis Introduces Bill to Further Protect The Interests of Black Farmers
Congressman Artur Davis has introduced H.R. 3623, a follow-up on his successful efforts to reopen the Pigford Black farmers litigation for thousands of farmers who have alleged that their rights were violated by the USDA.

Lincoln Works To Ensure Black Farmers Receive Funds They Are Entitled To
“All farmers regardless of race deserve the same resources to build their businesses and support their families. This legislation would help ensure that every Arkansas farmer – and farmers all across the nation – can compete in today’s marketplace and have the same opportunities for success,” said Lincoln.

National Black Farmers Association Press Release
“The National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) is alarmed by the lawsuit filed today by Monsanto in an attempt to block DuPont and Pioneer from introducing in soybeans their Optimum GAT trait combined (“stacked”) with Monsanto’s Roundup Ready trait. We are calling on Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to take action along with state attorney generals said Boyd we should have more than one company to purchase seed from Boyd continued.

John Boyd Statement on the Farm Bill
“Today is a historic day for black farmers,” said John Boyd, President of the National Black Farmers Association. “I have worked on this bill for over 6 years, and finally thousands of black farmers will receive $50,000.00 per farmer and other relief under the passed legislation.” Boyd continued.

Boyd Calls Halt to Sale on Black Farmer
John Boyd President of the Nations black farmers to rally in Halifax, NC in support of black farm family foreclosure. Sale to take place at the Halifax county superior court Halifax, NC.