NBFA Mourns Senator Ted Kennedy


Senator Ted Kennedy, A Champion of the Black Farmers, the Cause of Justice and the American People

Baskerville, VA. - John W. Boyd, Jr., President and Founder of the National Black Farmers Association today released the following statement on the passing of Senatore Edward M. Kennedy:

"Senator Ted Kennedy was a champion of the nations's Black farmers, his Senate office was always open to me more over Senator Kennedy always listened to our issues and moved with swift action. A powerful leader who pushed our nation to improve its social contract with the people, a giant in the cause of civil rights and justice, most important legislation to provide justice for the Black farmers. Senator Kennedy's work and dream for a better American will live on in all of us who were affected and inspired by him."


Senator Edward M. Kennedy, John Boyd, And The Fight to End Discrimination Against America's Black Farmers


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